MOPs Plus Indie Activation Problem

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MOPs Plus Indie Activation Problem

Post by awesomepixel »

I just purchased Mops+ Indie but I can't successfully activate it. I used the shelf tool in an empty geo container and the activation window opened. I put in the credentials and my license code and a message appeared which said, it is now activated. But I still can't use any of the Plus tools. Nodes show errors like "Error: Vex error: MOPs+ license not found!. ". After a few attempts of activating again I now get a message "Too many activations". Any help?

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Re: MOPs Plus Indie Activation Problem

Post by toadstorm »

Hi Jan,

Happy to help... let's figure this out.

Can you please tell me what operating system you're using, first? And what email you purchased MOPs+ with?

If you want to get this patched quickly, you can talk to me on Discord:

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