Copying the values from an old node to a new one

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Copying the values from an old node to a new one

Post by maxcrow »

AS MOPS develops, opening older files or even example files throws up warnings. eg the MOPs_Audio_Falloff. Is there a method for copying the values from an old node to a new ones or even a magical " update selected node to latest version" shelf button?

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Re: Copying the values from an old node to a new one

Post by toadstorm »

There's no guaranteed way to update a node to a more recent version. In general, if I make a change to a node that isn't backwards compatible, I'll version up the HDA so that older files will still work as they did. You can use the Asset Bar (you can enable this from the assets window) to switch between versions of a node.

If you download the latest Stable build, 1.4, I've updated all the example files to be using the latest definitions of each node.

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