Can I load a scene with MOPS nodes into a Houdini without MOPS installed?

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Can I load a scene with MOPS nodes into a Houdini without MOPS installed?

Post by adamseeley »

Looks fantastic...

Can I load a scene with MOPS into a Houdini without MOPS installed?

i.e. I'm wondering if MOPS is constructed using native Houdini networks?

Or would I need to install MOPS on all render nodes?

Many thanks,


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Re: Can I load a scene with MOPS nodes into a Houdini without MOPS installed?

Post by toadstorm »

You would need to embed the MOPs node definitions into your hip files if you wanted to submit them to a farm that doesn't have MOPs. ... html#embed

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Re: Can I load a scene with MOPS nodes into a Houdini without MOPS installed?

Post by adamseeley »

Thanks, good to know it can be employed independently from the render farm.

Another quick question if that's ok...

If somebody who doesn't have MOPS installed loads a scene (with MOPS embedded), will the MOPS nodes still be accessible?
i.e. could they still edit the contents of those nodes?

I'm transitioning from Softimage ICE where some custom networks would be created from native nodes (so independent of an installation) and some would be dependant on installed files/executables.

Many thanks,


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Re: Can I load a scene with MOPS nodes into a Houdini without MOPS installed?

Post by toadstorm »

Yeah, embedded nodes can be unlocked and edited like any other HDAs. It's generally not something you want to lean on too hard, only because then your definitions might not be the same from scene to scene and this could be a pain to deal with later on.

This doesn't apply to MOPs Plus nodes btw... those definitions can't be embedded.

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Re: Can I load a scene with MOPS nodes into a Houdini without MOPS installed?

Post by adamseeley »

That's great, good to know it can probably be picked up later without breaking.

Thanks for the swift replies and thanks for some great tools that will probably stop this new Houdini user from pulling out quite as much of his hair.

All the best,


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