MOPs_Visualize_Frame not showing binormal axis

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MOPs_Visualize_Frame not showing binormal axis

Post by MarkTangent »

I'm going through the tutorial ( ... m-modifier) on the wiki and the MOPS_Visualize_Frame is not showing the third red axis (binormal). Looking at the geometry spreadsheet on the MOPS_Instancer node it doesn't seem to be generating a binormal attribute though there is a viz_binormal attribute. Is it meant to generate this attribute or do I just change the MOPS_Visualize_Frame node to use viz_binormal?

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Re: MOPs_Visualize_Frame not showing binormal axis

Post by toadstorm »

The attributes used by MOPs Visualize Frame are supposed to be temporary; you don't actually need a binormal attribute. MOPs derives this from the other template or intrinsic transform attributes.

If you're not seeing one of the axes, that's a different problem. What version of Houdini and MOPs are you currently using?

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Re: MOPs_Visualize_Frame not showing binormal axis

Post by MarkTangent »

I think I see what the problem is. In transform_basic.hip ( ... _basic.hip) downloaded from the tutorial MOPs_Visualize_Frame is visualising N, up and binormal attributes but if you create a new MOPs_Visualize_Frame it visualises viz_N, viz_up and viz_binormal. So it's just the tutorial file being out of date I presume.

I'm using Houdini 19.5.303 and MOPS 1.7.1
Last edited by MarkTangent on Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MOPs_Visualize_Frame not showing binormal axis

Post by toadstorm »

Ah, I probably need to update the example file to use the latest node definitions. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

Update: This is now fixed.

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